Friday, February 28, 2014

I was an in-the-closet NERD (a list of things that scare me)

I was not intentionally hiding my nerd. Nobody was nerdy. Or so it seemed because I did not seek my interests. Now that I have a more formed idea of my passions, I can reach my full nerd potential
I will tag things so people who maybe aren't nerds, or are still in the closet might understand.

When the DM randomly says “roll an initiative” - Dungeons and Dragons

signing rent checks (or checks in general, its like sighing away the soul of my fanatical situation) – Life Crap

Cantrips , counter spells, mana ramp, burn spells, life gain, overrun, planswalkers. - Magic the Gathering

the term 'gender fluid' like, im pretty sure everything is fluid, we are human, nothing is certain. The fact that we can even try to understand that is miraculous. - mind=blown

too many books, too little time – WHY am I only one person?!?!

the in-the-closet term. I dont know how I feel about it. Like, I hide my pancreas, and thats not in the closet. -words are faulty

I dont know how to play chess. I want to learn, but im afraid because I perceive myself as stupid. - self fulfilling prophecy

love. - what the heck is it?

My unstable medical issues, and the bills that come with it. - just.. ehh

communication. It cannot be stable, or even depended upon. Yet it is so beautiful. - literature

when Cecil fades out and Dana is panicking. - Welcome to NightVale podcast

I cant finish pain medication makes me think all weird – my back hurts

Sunday, February 23, 2014

10 non crap Actual life Pro Tips

1.put soap and water in the blender for a less hassle clean out.
2.Find your right caffeine dose, do this so you don't fall asleep in the day but also don't lose sleep at night. You can find your right dose by experimenting with coffee, tea, and energy drinks (yes, I just oxford commaed).
3.Have writers block? do an activity that makes you rigid. (or RageQuit, whatever term you prefer) this can be portal, paddle ball, flappy bird, jenga, corn hole, etc. this helps scare me out of being brain dead.
4.If your at a youth retreat, conference, camp, vacation, etc. SLEEP AT NIGHT. Yeah, im sure whatever's going on at night fun and all, but the daytime activity's are better I promise and your going to want to be awake for them.
5.Take vitamins. Just do it.
6.Don't feel well? See a doctor. Don't let it get worse.
7.EXERSIZE! This helps with sleep, creativity, health, apatite, motivation, and sex drive. (theres that oxford comma again) pro oxford comma. Or at least be opinionated, it impresses writers and English teachers.
9.PROCRASTINATE!!! im serious, its helpful. If you want to do poorly in your classes. Well, it actually helps me. But, thats because im a writer and have no due dates.
10.COME UP WITH YOUR OWN PRO TIPS!!! it helps you feel productive and see what your doing right in your life.

Sunday, February 16, 2014

the Music Videos in my life

A lot of times when I get really sad (which im not going to lie, it happens a lot).
Some times when people get sad they relate it so sad movies, or music videos. You know when your in the car and its raining, and a powerful song comes on the radio and you look out the window and feel like you're in that movie?
I think I know why that's comforting for us sad people.
People watch movies and music videos. Hundreds and millions of people see and feel during them.
Its gives the illusion that we are not alone.
It makes it seem like other people are experiencing and understand our thoughts feelings and desires.
it dissociates the feeling of being minute in your feelings. It changes the situation to make it seem as if your not isolated.