Friday, March 7, 2014

“HOLY CRAP SHE PASEED OUT” (its just a MicroSleep)

As it turns out a lot of people who have more serious or debilitating chronic illness experience what is called “MicroSleep”, not to be confused with the “PowerNap” often used by college students who pull all nighters to study. MicroSleeping is the body's way of responding to severe Chronic pain, or exhaustion from fighting infection or being deficient in something. MicroSleep is when the body loses its cognitive, sensory, and physical ability's. The two types of MicroSleep that i experience most are:
Acute MicroSleep: (more of a loss of physical ability) which for me looks like:
a spontaneous faint (or it sometimes looks like a seizure) I will fall and either lie limp or my joints and muscles will lock up and I look like a statue. (occasionally I will have muscle spasms when this happens it can look like a Seizures) lucky for other people, I usually wake up after 30 seconds or a minute, but this can happen multiple times of the course of a few hours.
What to do when/ if you see this happen: don't freak out, but don't leave either. I should be okay after a minute or two. I will be very soar and tired though, best not to ask too many questions and I should rest for a while. If it lasts more then 3 minutes where I don't respond to anything, then it might be a bigger issue.
Chronic MicroSleep: (both physical and mental) this looks like somebody who has not eaten or slept in weeks, and feels like I ran a marathon with weights in my backpack and can last a few hours to a few days. I usually cant do much on my own (I cant shop, fill prescriptions or get anywhere on my own and SHOULD NOT HAVE ANYTHING I SAY OR DO HELD AGAINST ME) and sometimes I cant even walk on my own, which sucks because I live alone.
What to do when this happens: its a good call to check in every now and then, come watch netflix with me or skype with me while I write. There is not a whole lot that can be done.
People always ask me what they can do to make me feel better and the truth is there really inset anything. It sucks a lot for me because I cant do the things I want to do and im usually in significant pain I lose the ability to speak in structured sentences, spell, cook, and recognize when im in pain. ( I sometimes wont notice when im burning my hand etc.)

sorry I cant give specific scientific information, but this is a symptom/ disorder thats next to impossible to diagnose and treat. Please be patient with me.

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