Tuesday, March 4, 2014

Stepping on a d4 (is this the meaning of life?)

so, I DM and DMing comes with a substantial amount of work and planing. From making maps and fully generated NPC's to finding myself still awake at 4am figuring out how to navigate the Ring of Three Wishes while on the chaos plane. Dungeons and Dragons gives me something to focus on and put creativity and effort towards. Its also a great game for group/ CoDMing collaboration and teamwork. But every now and then I get really frustrated when my players Nat20 slight of hand to steal team mates gold, kill my elaborately planned out NPC, or when I step on a d4 walking through my living room at 3am.
I feel stuck. Dont get me wrong, I LOVE D&D and DMing. But feel that there has to be more I can do with it. Or, maybe not. I feel like im not moving forward in my goals as an aspiring professional nerd. Ive talked about Vlogging or PodCasting campaigns. Or running through an online interface, but I still feel like all I do is D&D. And its not a matter of losing interest, its more I feel like im wasting my creative energy, I dont know. I mean, you can only level so high, and prestige so far before your just skills monkeying as a cleric...
people who have been DMing for more then twice the amount of time i've known the game existed ask me to help/ navigate THEIR campaigns. I feel like for better or for worse this has become something I am really good at (despite its “uselessness” in the eyes of most people) WHAT CAN I DO WITH THIS ABSURD SKILL? Is the question ive been beating myself up over.
I found an answer: weather or not I get frustrated spending weeks on a campaign ideas that may not end up working out or having deep bruises on my feet from stepping on those damn loos d4's. I ENJOY IT. And that's enough validation for me, thanks!

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