Monday, December 2, 2013

a Special closeness

hugs are powerful, I will give you that. But just about anyone will give you a hug. Advice and support is great, having somebody tell you everything is going to be alright, and then giving you a hug is the thing most people do when your upset. I have been having a rough few weeks for no specific reason, my mid just catches up to me sometimes. Coming back from Thanksgiving break I had not had a good deep talk with my closest friend and soul mate in a while (exempt via Skype, but that hardly counts) I went to his apartment because he needed to talk about things, and we wanted to plan for D&D and our upcoming book club. We ended up talking about life and our own reasons for justifying depression. As much as its nice to hear that things will get better, its just not always true. But having somebody tell you that things suck, and there is no definite end to suffering but that they will be there for you through the whole thing because it is not without purpose because God put us here for a reason, is truly the most wonderful thing I could ask for in a friend. He then let me fall asleep in his arms and as cheesy as that may seem it was nice to wake up with him hugging me, still asleep himself. I think the most important thing in our friendship is honesty. He can tell when somethings wrong by looking me in the eyes, and can usually tell what by the way I talk and act. I don't want friends to tell me things will be okay because that is NEVER something that can be promised. I just want to know that there is reason. Thank you friend for speaking the truth with me, for allowing my mind to see that life is not about fixing all of the issues and stressing when we cant, but taking life one moment at a time and putting pain in its place as a motive, not a end all.

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